What is happening this week at Almondbury Methodist Church and The Wesley Centre
This Week's Diary

Following guidance from the Government and The Methodist Church In Britain, we are now happy to be back meeting in our premises again for church services and other regular weekly activities. See our Weekly Notices for more information about what is happening during the week. We will be continuing to provide access to our Sunday morning services on Zoom for people who would prefer to stay at home.

Sunday Morning Service, 1st September 2024, 10.30am - This service will be at Almondbury Methodist Church and will be available on zoom. See Notices for further details, how to join online and other weekly activities.
Sunday Evening Fellowship - Please note this is not meeting over the summer but will continue again on 8th September. A relaxed time together for discussion and bible study. See Notices for further details, how to join online and other weekly activities. Note - tonight's session may be postponed (subject to England hopefully featuring in the final).

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